Brian Wilson - So Proud (CD)

For Wilson, that serves as a reminder of both the theme of his album and the driving force of his career. “Before my mom and dad knew I was going to be a singer, God had given them a promise to nurture into the person that I am today,” he says. “We are all given some promise, some vision for our future that we have to nurture, endure hard times for, and always believe in.” The inspiration for this project came three years ago when Wilson penned “So Proud,” the title song and the CD project’s first single. The song is about remembering…remembering the reasons why you should keep going when the days seem the hardest...remembering your value when people cast you aside...remembering the people who did not give up on you when you feel like giving up on yourself...and most of all, it's about remembering that the reason we have so much to remember is because God has always been there to make a way through the people in our lives.”

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